
hallapadma - Yoga & Bodywork therapy
Welcome to Joogahoitola Hallapadma, where yoga and bodywork is combined into one.

What is
Therapy (CST)?
You can choose only massage or only CST treatment or a mixture of both. In the mixed session first a deep tissue techiniques are used followed by the cranio treatment.
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach to evaluating and enhancing the craniosacral system, which is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
With a light touch, information is received from the tissues and the situation of the nervous system, so the treatment is always individual. Many find the treatment to be restorative and relaxing, the nervous system gets a chance to calm down and restart, causing stress to be released. Pain decreases and potential problem areas become more visible and easier to treat. Acceptance and being listened to enables safe processing of
past events and traumas.
To me, giving treatments is an extension of yoga. Similar to yoga, in the cst treatments we work a lot in the spinal area, which affects everything physically, mentally and emotionally. The experience of being treated with deeply listening also enables more subtle, spiritual work. Treatment is sometimes like meditation.
The treatment supports your body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself, as well as helping to reduce stress and build your underlying energy. The practitioner senses tensions in the body and helps to release them in a supported and comfortable way. During or after a session you may feel calm and energised, with increased clarity of mind and a feeling of well-being. When a practitioner places their hands lightly on you during a therapy session, they are using them to listen to you in much the same way that a counsellor might listen to your words. Your body responds to this sensitive touch by beginning to listen to itself. A feeling that you have been heard in the truest sense of the word is a common experience during and after a CST session.
BOOK online or:
+35850 3060741
#138, 2nd Main rd
2nd stage Gokulam
*Mysore India *
Fee (in cash):
1st time visit 2500rs
3300 rs (90min)
3x 8500rs

The treatment is always tailored according to the needs of the client. It can be only cranio or mixed with massage.
I remember being very young when I first experienced something beyond the words, inexplicable and surreal. With the fierce absoluteness of my teenage years, I stated that I was to find out about a human being:
"What exactly we are made of?"
Gymnastics at a national team level at young age followed by travelling in the world led me to ashtanga yoga in 2000 and it was like a homecoming. My operated knee, which had been broken during the descent of the double volt, was able to heal while the mind calmed down and I could feel how my spirit expanded. I felt more free than ever before.
I feel I'm still on that path.
I studied massage therapy in the Finnish sport massage Institute and started working as a therapist in the back room of the yoga shala. Soon India and especially Mysore was calling for me and more intense yoga practice took over. I received the authorization to teach (from Sharath) in 2010 and so teaching became my work also and it definitely intensified the yoga practice even more. However, the longing to really learn more and to be a student lead me to Yogagurukula (yogagurukula.in) and Vidvan Vijaya Manja in 2011. It was like another homecoming and his small home gurukula became home for me more than ten years. In there a new kind of period began where the spiritual, Vedic way of life could be strengthened in the company of a teacher and in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Gurukula literally means guru's home, a small communal spiritual school strongly based on the Vedic tradition. In Yogagurukula, all parts of yoga are studied, especially philosophy, sanskrit and various meditative practices. All texts are also learned to recite, i.e. chant. Above all, it is the ”doing and learning together”, sharing and living openly with the teacher. Nowadays I share my time between India and Finland, I also study continuously the magical world of craniosacral therapy (level ADV1) and I have enjoyed greatly returning to my roots, old familiar culture and of course the Nature. Having courage to be present in the moment. Having courage not to plan and control too much. Letting go of the temporary. Having courage to be my self. Courage. To be.